We are an independent, Bible-believing Baptist church located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Maryville, Tennessee. Our goal is to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth as we seek to serve Him with gladness. Our worship services are filled with old-fashioned singing and preaching straight from the King James Bible.
Please join us for Winter Teen Camp Meeting 2024!
Please join us this Sunday!
Here's what you can expect...
1. You are always welcome at FBC. We hope to show ourselves friendly and given to hospitality. 2. The Adult Bible Class is in the main auditorium. Other classes are located throughout the building. Please do not hesitate to ask anyone for directions to the Nursery or to any of the graded Sunday school classes for all ages. 3. We have certain dress standards for our leadership and workers. However there are no set standards for our guests. You will find men dressed in coat and tie, while others choose to be more casual. Most of our ladies wear dresses or skirts. However this is not required for church attendance. Our focus is not on the clothes people wear, but rather the needs of individuals. 4. We have lively services, with choir and congregational singing. The preaching is mostly expository. It is not uncommon for people in our worship services to rejoice in the Lord. 5. You will be greeted with friendly handshakes and smiles. Likely you will receive a visitor packet. Within the visitor packet, you will find an ink pen and a visitor card. Please take time to fill out the visitor card and place it in the offering plate, or you may hand it to our pastor. 6. After the service is over, our pastor is normally in the front foyer . This gives him an opportunity to thank you for attending FBC. 7. Also , we a have an active children's ministry that takes place during the morning service. However, your children are certainly welcome to stay in the service with you. |
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Contact Us:
Phone: (865) 681-2823 Email: preacher@three2thrive.org Address: 1020 Walker Road, Maryville, TN 37801 Service Times:
Sunday School: 10AM Sunday Morning: 11AM Sunday Night: 6PM Wednesday Night: 7PM |